
My name is Christopher Lovell and love technical concepts such Programming and Computer Architecture, VFX, Electronic Engineering, Astrophysics, and many other STEM fields.
I have been programming for 11 years, since I was 13, I am mostly a self researched/taught programmer, originally with the intent of becoming a Game Developer but interests change over time.
I have so many hobbies that I find it hard to dedicate time to all of them.

I am currently a student at 42.


OpenEngine (3D Game Engine)

I've used C++, OpenGL/Glad, GLFW, GLM and DearIMGui to program my own 3D game engine, though calling it that is a stretch, there are many missing features such as shadows and in-engine scripting.

Cubed (Wolfenstein3D)

My own take at an early 90's raycaster, programmed in C for a 42 school project!


Reaction of Minecraft in C++ using a parts of my code from my OpenEngine project.


This website you're reading right now is made just using Vanilla Html, CSS, JavaScript, At the momement I am redesigning the website using SvelteKit and Tailwind


Various digital art projects can be found at my Art Portfolio



NandGame Completionist, NandGame is a website where you have to built a virtual computer from basic Relays and or CMOS, it's designed to teach you computer architecture and is a based off of Nand2Tetris, the name comes from the fact that you can build any logic gates from a nand gate and from there you can build any computer with those logic gates. It's a really cool site!


Quite experienced with Git and the workflows that surround it.

Unity Game Engine

At the age of 14-15 I started to programming in C# and later discovered a game engine which uses C#, this game engine was Unity 3D. I've made various projects within Unity but not to a completed result, I have recently published some very terrible quickly game jam made products on my gmfcoding itch page.


At the time of becomming a game developer I needed a way to make assets for my ideas, I found Blender, it's such an amazing 3D Modeling tool and it's only getting better, I've used it for serveral years now.


My Skills

C: Since starting at 42 I've been learning C, it's just a really nice and simple language and I've learnt quite a bit, as someone that was used to OOP and it's patterns, it's a bit of a refresher not having worry about that.

C++: I orginally picked up C++ after using C# for serveral years as I wanted to make a Game Engine using it, C++ is a very powerful language with many features.

C#: C# is my one of my favourite languages, it's so versitile and the language it self is very neat and easy to program in and new features are being designed all the time.

Java: Java was my first statically type bytecode compiled language (basically my first) I originally picked it up when I wanted to create Mods for Minecraft back in 2014.

Excuse the terrible website design, it's not my forte!